K. Horn: With Meredith Wilson
K. Horn: With Dusty Rogers
K. Horn: Blackwood Brothers Quartet (and friends)
K. Horn: Ken & Peggy with Bill Medley
K. Horn: Bill Medley Press Meeting with Autograph
K. Horn: Margaret Court, Wimbledon Champion & Now Megachurch Pastor
K. Horn: P8020052
K. Horn: With Allen & JoAnn Antons at Wilson's Creek Battlefield Visitor Center
K. Horn: With Missionary Doris Johnson at Book Signing
K. Horn: Us Feeding Dolphin
K. Horn: Neal McCoy
K. Horn: With Renowned Artist Ron DiCianni
K. Horn: Ken & Peggy with Bill Medley
K. Horn: P8090077
K. Horn: With Fabian
K. Horn: With Bobby Vee
K. Horn: In Our Seats, Up Close
K. Horn: With Dino & Cheryl Kartsonakis