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Melba's Samples Album [MC] by K. Horn
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K. Horn
K. Horn
Ruby Swan, Virginia Lea, Hazel Hoyt... SAMPLES, of course!
K. Horn
Dinner at Grandma Samples'
K. Horn
Grandma and Grandpa Samples 1958
K. Horn
Grandma Samples
K. Horn
Adeline, Tiny, Grandma and Grandpa Samples
K. Horn
Hazel & Ivadell
K. Horn
K. Horn
Glenda & Melba on a "Bicycle Built for Two" 1941
K. Horn
Joyce & Melba
K. Horn
Joyce & Melba at Grand Canyon 1939
K. Horn
Earl Howard Samples at Samples Drive-In
K. Horn
"Marjorie can't wait ..."
K. Horn
"Melba enjoys homemade icecream at the Sunday School Picnic; Alice & Melba slug it out 1946"
K. Horn
Glenda, Don & Melba with Tippy
K. Horn
Peggy Paul Horn with Kitten
K. Horn
Don and Peggy
K. Horn
Dog Lake Picnic
K. Horn
More Samples
K. Horn
Doyle and Juanita's Kids
K. Horn
Juanita and Her Happy Half-Dozen
K. Horn
Peggy, Marjorie, Linda Jo, Vonda Williams
K. Horn
Same Birthday: Elton Snow & Steven Samples
K. Horn
Sandy Sumpter Helps Barbara Jean
K. Horn
Sandy Sumpter
K. Horn
Glenda & Melba 1955
K. Horn
Melba & Glenda
K. Horn
Melba and Valda 1953
K. Horn
K. Horn
Jerry, Pam and Kathy
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