K. Horn: 100_2949
K. Horn: P4280053
K. Horn: P4280055
K. Horn: P4280056
K. Horn: P4280057
K. Horn: Tulips
K. Horn: Spring — April Blooms
K. Horn: Two Old Quartet Singers
K. Horn: P1300008
K. Horn: Snow Plow
K. Horn: Surprise Visitor — Great Blue Heron on Roof
K. Horn: Surprise Visitor
K. Horn: IMG_2573
K. Horn: IMG_2574
K. Horn: Young Red-Tailed Hawk
K. Horn: Young red-tailed hawk was perched on a light standard near our house
K. Horn: P7310003
K. Horn: Young red-tailed hawk
K. Horn: PA160001
K. Horn: Car evidently ran off the road and crashed into this culvert
K. Horn: PA160015
K. Horn: Sentinel
K. Horn: Red-tailed Hawk on Hay Bale
K. Horn: Red-tailed Hawk Takes off from Hay Bale
K. Horn: Serious Tractor
K. Horn: Parked in Cul-de-sac That Leads to South Creek Greenway
K. Horn: Clouds
K. Horn: IMG_0890