K. Horn: Roy Horn Holding Ellene
K. Horn: Granny Corey, Patsy & Ellene, Mother's Day 1938
K. Horn: Mother's Day, Sequoia Park, Oakland 1938
K. Horn: Mother's Day, Sequoia Park Oakland 1938
K. Horn: 4 Generations 1939
K. Horn: Horn Girls, c.1938
K. Horn: Pat & Ellene
K. Horn: 1940 912 McLaughlin Ave., Richmond, CA
K. Horn: This is as close to fish as my mother ever got.
K. Horn: Seth & Frances Corey w/ Patsy & Ellene Horn, June 1941, DeSabla, Calif.
K. Horn: Uncle Walt Corey with Ellene & Pat
K. Horn: Uncle Walter Corey in Uniform During World War 2
K. Horn: Horn Family Gathering Christmas Eve 1942
K. Horn: Uncle Walt Corey with Ellene & Pat
K. Horn: Horns & Coreys: Ellene, Mary, Frances, Dennis, Roy, Rose, Patsy
K. Horn: From Left: Frances, Maxine, Walt Corey; Ellene, Rose, Roy Horn
K. Horn: Ellene & Pat Walking Cousin Dennis Corey
K. Horn: Daddy & His Girls, Easter 1946
K. Horn: Ellene and Pat, Easter 1946
K. Horn: Mother & Girls in Rowboat, June 1946
K. Horn: Dad Rowing His Girls, June 1946
K. Horn: "Ellene Ronnie Kenny Pat June 1948"
K. Horn: Rose Horn & Her Kids in a Boat at DeSabla
K. Horn: "The Gang"
K. Horn: "The Gang" at the "Little House" on McLaughlin Ave.
K. Horn: "The Gang"
K. Horn: Walt & Maxine Corey (Back) with Ellene & Pat Horn
K. Horn: Horn Family about 1951
K. Horn: Horn Family About 1951
K. Horn: Horn Family About 1951