Horizon616: card from Kome and Pitan :-D
Horizon616: 倫敦回來的伴手禮:)
Horizon616: many Twinings XD
Horizon616: afternoon tea
Horizon616: highlighter pen
Horizon616: Carl Zeiss Jena 28mm f2.8
Horizon616: 果然是很油潤的卡尔蔡司 Carl Zeiss Jena
Horizon616: Pick it up
Horizon616: 25th summer...
Horizon616: Being in a daze
Horizon616: 7.31pm
Horizon616: tree at dusk
Horizon616: 紅樹灣 Mangrove West Coast
Horizon616: 滴水莲 #2
Horizon616: 滴水莲 #1
Horizon616: soft afternoon
Horizon616: see you next year~ Mr. Fan ^ ^
Horizon616: Mr. Fan
Horizon616: Mr. Fan
Horizon616: Music before going to bed
Horizon616: photo album
Horizon616: hello evening breeze
Horizon616: Tea pot
Horizon616: 蟹爪蓮