CESRAS: CAI JE29692 Coffins of Anchefenmut 21a Dynasty, Bab el-Gasus
CESRAS: CAI coffin of WAB Anchefenmut D21a feline deity NIKON 173 ERL0107 web
CESRAS: CAI coffin of WAB Anchefenmut D21a Toth offering NIKON 173 ERL0107 web
CESRAS: CAI coffin of WAB Anchefenmut D21a Toth offering NIKON 173 ERL0107 no yellow web
CESRAS: CAI coffin of WAB Anchefenmut D21a Toth offering NIKON 173 ERL0107 transparent yellow wash web
CESRAS: CAI coffin of WAB Anchefenmut D21a Toth offering NIKON 173 ERL0107 moderate yellow varnish web
CESRAS: CAI coffin of WAB Anchefenmut D21a Toth offering NIKON 173 ERL0107 bright yellow varnish web