Horasis: Liu Qingsheng, Vice Mayor, City of Shenzhen, keynoting the meeting
Horasis: Wu Yijian, Chairman, Ginwa Investments Holding - Chinese firms to remain competitive in a very cost driven environment
Horasis: Han Benyi, Chairman, Shijie Huaxia Fund - 'China’s fundamentals are good'
Horasis: Alexander Wan, Senior Advisor, China Daily Asia Pacific, commenting on Beijing's 'One Belt, One Road'-initiative
Horasis: Jiang Xirong, Chairman, Da Sheng Electronic Commerce Co., emphasizing the benefits of the One Road, One Belt-initiative
Horasis: Umberto de Pretto, Secretary General, International Road Transport Union - One Belt One Road is central to global trade
Horasis: Frank-Jürgen Richter
Horasis: Meeting co-chair Eliano Lodesani, Chief Operating Officer, Intesa Sanpaolo, Italy, about technological disruption
Horasis: Xiong Meng, Executive Vice Chairman, China Federation of Industrial Economics
Horasis: Lu Yuebing, Vice Chairman, Siguler Guff, China, on the New Silk Road
Horasis: Shi Yuyou, Chairman, Dianba New Energy Technology Co., one of the meeting co-chairs
Horasis: Plenary session - China and World Economic Outlook
Horasis: Susanne Ruoff, Chief Executive Officer, Swiss Post - 'we are going to catalyze common growth'
Horasis: Felix Zhang, Founder and Executive Director, Envision Energy
Horasis: William Haseltine, Chairman, ACCESS Health International, USA, making a point on the closing plenary
Horasis: Zhao Yiwu, Chairman, Beijing Naton Technology Group, about China's New Normal
Horasis: Harley Krohmer, Professor, University of Bern, Switzerland
Horasis: William Zhang, Chairman, EU-China Municipal Development Commission, speaking about China's trade with Europe
Horasis: Liu Yongli, Deputy Secretary-General, Beijing Association of Development Zones
Horasis: Rudolf Minsch, Deputy Chairman and Chief Economist, economiesuisse
Horasis: Cai Suping, Deputy Chairman, Beijing Automotive, on China's economic outlook
Horasis: Nigel Knowles, Chairman, Sheffield City Region, United Kingdom, announcing the 2017 Horasis China Meeting
Horasis: Ken Hu, President and Chief Executive Officer, HKF Technology, USA
Horasis: Peng Yuanzheng, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General, China Petroleum Enterprise Association
Horasis: Fred Wang, Chairman, Salon Films Group of Companies, Hong Kong
Horasis: The Shenzhen delegation meeting the hosts from the Canton of Bern
Horasis: Ryo Kubota, Chairman, Acucela, USA
Horasis: William Meaney, Chief Executive Officer, Iron Mountain, USA, making a point
Horasis: Xue Yanzhong, Chairman, People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) of Shanxi Province
Horasis: Wu Wei, Chairman, The Ambassador Club, China