hoppzor: rachel naps on totoro
hoppzor: peter paints a peck of pickled penis
hoppzor: line o' monitors
hoppzor: audrey paints a shield
hoppzor: rachel's still napping
hoppzor: rainy courtyard view
hoppzor: coaster
hoppzor: junky zen garden
hoppzor: merry-go-die
hoppzor: WTFDYTWH
hoppzor: message for the volleyball grad students
hoppzor: coasthurrrr
hoppzor: courtyard
hoppzor: james noms
hoppzor: sarah noms seriously
hoppzor: shen noms seriously
hoppzor: more penis arts and crafts
hoppzor: okay, that color scheme is not healthy
hoppzor: amy saws
hoppzor: josh is a viking
hoppzor: josh gives himself a viking crown
hoppzor: sarah and karen chillax on totoro
hoppzor: somewhat horrifying
hoppzor: art time
hoppzor: james + penis
hoppzor: hurrrrrison
hoppzor: james with cape
hoppzor: penis, stolen west campus shield
hoppzor: show us your kitties!
hoppzor: charles relaxes like a man