Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Type Found Frivolling on the Stairs and in Conservatories!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Debrett's Book of the Royal Wedding
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Fore-edge Painting Showcasing the Royal Wedding of Charles & Diana
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Watch Out! Cupid's on the Attack!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: "I'm not a child, and I won't be deared by you."
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: The Great Lover Casanova of Today
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: "Look me in the face, Jules, and tell me are you happy?"
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Beatrice Fairfax Tell Me What To Do
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Love Me Like You Used to Love a Sugar Lump
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: You Thought Herding Cats Was Difficult...
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: The Art of 17th Century Seduction
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Mr. Dapper Pantaloons Struck by Cupid's Bow!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: An Old-Fashioned Postal Worker!