Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Les Amours de Jules! Oh-la-la!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Don't Be Afraid --- the Books Won't Bite!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Wow! User Experience Sure Is Challenging!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: This Was Such an Awesome Surprise!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Only the Best for Our Participants! Free Bookmarks for All!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Reaction Two: Awwwww, Cupid Is Sooooooo Cute!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Regarding 15th Century Fountain Construction!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: I Can't Believe I'm Reading a Book from the 17th Century!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Checking Out Tips from Ovid's Art of Love!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Creating Valentines on the Go!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Our New Intern! She's Awesome!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Our students totally heart our librarians!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: One Valentine Suggesting a Certain Librarian Should Be on the Radio. Who Is It?
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: It's a Pleasure to Make Your Acquaintance!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: They Came for the Promise of Free Candy, but Stayed for the Books!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Help Us Help Your Library Experience!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Cupid Brought Them to Our Event. For Real!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: I Love This Book Almost As Much As I Love JHU!