Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Michael Bernard Valentini, Historia simplicium reformata, sub Musei museorum titulo. Frankfurt, 1716.
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Interior of the Russian Hall
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Johann Christian Kundmann, Rariora naturae et artis. Breslau and Leipzig, 1737.
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Hugh Craig (ed.), Johnson's Household Book of Nature. New York, 1880.
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Anonymous, Lepidoptera: German notebook detailing various butterflies, ca. 1780.
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Lane's Telescopic View: The Interior of the Great Industrial Exhibition
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Peppy Jokes & Latest Sayings
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Anonymous, Lepidoptera: German notebook detailing various butterflies, ca. 1780.
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Martin Frobenius Ledermüller, Amusement Microscopique. Nuremberg, 1764-8.
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: With friends like these -- Satan at work!
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Alexander Pitfield, Memoirs for a Natural History of Animals. London, 1701.
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Ferrante Imperato, Dell'historia naturale di Ferrante Imperato Napolitano. Naples, 1599.
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Hugh Craig (ed.), Johnson's Household Book of Nature. New York, 1880.
Special Collections at Johns Hopkins University: Lane's Telescopic View: The Interior of the Great Industrial Exhibition