off2skool: 1/365: 2 - Get in Line Girls
off2skool: 1/365: 1 - Get in Line Girls
off2skool: 2/365: Pacifier
off2skool: 3/365: Blankie
off2skool: After daddy leaves for work...
off2skool: 4/365: My boy
off2skool: 5/365-2: playtime!
off2skool: 5/365: while his big sis was at school
off2skool: 6/365-2: Taking his sis to school
off2skool: 6/365: After his nap
off2skool: 7/365: Watching daddy go to work
off2skool: 8/365: Mr. Personality
off2skool: 9/365: My precious little one
off2skool: 10/365: sweet.
off2skool: 11/365: basketball!
off2skool: 14/365: he let me blind him with my flash
off2skool: 15/365: Watching the show
off2skool: 16/365: Jaylen's profile
off2skool: 17/365: Upside down boy
off2skool: 18/365: inspi(red) boy
off2skool: 19/365: Jaylen with his toy that occupies him the most
off2skool: 20/2009: Photobooth
off2skool: 21/365: How he sits...
off2skool: 22/365: after his publix cookie
off2skool: 23/365: Waiting for Dr. Q
off2skool: 24/365: having fun!
off2skool: 25/365: You can thank his big sis for his hair
off2skool: 26/365: my climber
off2skool: 28/365: hiya.
off2skool: 29/365: Storytime