off2skool: First 1st grade project
off2skool: 20080817_2611
off2skool: painting her 1st grade project
off2skool: painting her 1st grade project
off2skool: 1st grade project - painting
off2skool: 1st grade project in progress
off2skool: Showing off her 1st grade project
off2skool: Hope's First 1st grade project
off2skool: Waiting at the bus stop
off2skool: First day of school
off2skool: waiting for the bus
off2skool: she didn't miss the bus!
off2skool: First time as a bus rider
off2skool: Hope the book worm
off2skool: picture day
off2skool: picture day
off2skool: picture day
off2skool: picture day
off2skool: picture day
off2skool: At Hope's house...
off2skool: coloring box tops
off2skool: Hope - First Grade
off2skool: 8/365: Hope the poster designer
off2skool: talent show dress rehearsal
off2skool: talent show dress rehearsal
off2skool: talent show dress rehearsal
off2skool: talent show dress rehearsal
off2skool: talent show dress rehearsal
off2skool: talent show dress rehearsal
off2skool: talent show dress rehearsal