off2skool: Love @ first sight...
off2skool: It's cold out here!!!
off2skool: Bright lights!
off2skool: Jaylen weighing in
off2skool: Happy Birthday Jaylen
off2skool: With Momma
off2skool: Momma's boy
off2skool: With Hope & Jaylen
off2skool: With Hope & Jaylen
off2skool: The Kern Family
off2skool: Grandma Bristow & Jaylen
off2skool: Jaylen with Grandma Bristow
off2skool: Proud big sister
off2skool: Enjoying Jaylen
off2skool: He sure is precious
off2skool: Hope loves her little brother
off2skool: Jaylen
off2skool: Proud Daddy
off2skool: Jason & Jaylen
off2skool: Jason with his little boy
off2skool: Yes, I'm the big sister
off2skool: Kisses
off2skool: Talking to Jaylen
off2skool: Hope & Jaylen
off2skool: Hope's little brother
off2skool: Holding Jaylen after he was born
off2skool: She's proud to have a brother!
off2skool: Holding Jaylen
off2skool: Look who's a big sister
off2skool: Sleepy little guy