Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
close to the side
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
a peahen contemplating what peahens do
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
just can't get enough
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
beauty bird
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
peahen mama
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
peacock butt
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
butterfly lunch
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
take off!
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
tattered butterfly
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
frog in the water
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
bug carousel at the Bronx Zoo
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
peacock rock
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
peacock family - with baby peacocks!
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
peahen and immature peacock butt
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
coming and going
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
peacocks everywhere
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
big guy
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
young peacock and peahen head
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
Tiny guy
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
monkey profile
Hopefoote, Ambassador of the Wow:
upside down monkey