Hoot Owl: Passing Storm
Hoot Owl: Brooklyn Sunset
Hoot Owl: Ascending
Hoot Owl: Clarity
Hoot Owl: All Ye That Labor
Hoot Owl: Cloud Angel
Hoot Owl: Bleeding Hearts
Hoot Owl: Peace Lily
Hoot Owl: Agnus and her Shadow
Hoot Owl: Drop of Rainbow in the Lake
Hoot Owl: Erasing the Day
Hoot Owl: Dreaming in Color
Hoot Owl: Magic Dragon
Hoot Owl: Magic
Hoot Owl: Urban Landscape
Hoot Owl: Free
Hoot Owl: Unexplainable Circles of Light
Hoot Owl: Unbound
Hoot Owl: Shadow life
Hoot Owl: A Walk in the Park