Hoosiers United: Progressive Right Field
Hoosiers United: Reyes foul ball
Hoosiers United: Dickey pitches from the stretch
Hoosiers United: Dickey deals with men on the corners
Hoosiers United: Progressive Field Scoreboard
Hoosiers United: Fooled badly
Hoosiers United: Warming up in the evening sun
Hoosiers United: Dickey deals
Hoosiers United: Feliciano on first
Hoosiers United: Westbrook throws
Hoosiers United: Wright Grounder
Hoosiers United: Francoeur foul Ball
Hoosiers United: Eyes up the pitch
Hoosiers United: Fouled off
Hoosiers United: Dickey from the stretch
Hoosiers United: Ketchup Post Race
Hoosiers United: Feliciano deals
Hoosiers United: Left Field Corner of Progressive Field
Hoosiers United: Branyan throws a grounder
Hoosiers United: Shines and Branyan
Hoosiers United: Wright celebrates
Hoosiers United: K Rod wind-up
Hoosiers United: Progressive Field Left Field
Hoosiers United: Progressive Field post-game