Hoosier Recollections:
Lawrence County Court House, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Lawrence County Court House, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
South side of the square, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
West Side of Square, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
East Side of Square, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Sixteenth Street looking east from Post Office, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Monon Railroad Depot, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Monon Railroad Depot, Bedford, Indiana message
Hoosier Recollections:
Bird's-eye view of Southern Indiana Railroad Shops, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Car Shop, Southern Indiana Railroad, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Monon (C. I. & L. Railway) train wreck, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Interior of Kessler's new 5 & 10c store, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
W. C. Jones store, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Grand Theater, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Bedford's Fire Truck, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
North Side School Building, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Giberson's Stone Mill, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Turning Columns, Furst-Kerber Mill, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
"Stripping," Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Hoosier Stone Quarry, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Consolidated limestone quarry, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Brooks Curtis Mill, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Scabbing machines, P. M. & B. Stone Co., Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Natural limestone steps, P. M. & B. Quarry, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
P. M. & B. limestone quarry, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Limestone quarry scene, Bedford, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Railroad cut near Huron, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Main Street looking west, Mitchell, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Main Street looking east, Mitchell, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Lehigh Pumping Station, Mitchell, Indiana