Hoosier Recollections:
Doxey Hotel and Bijou Theatre, Anderson, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Main Street, Arcadia, Indiana section 2
Hoosier Recollections:
Harris Grand Opera House, Bloomington, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Harris Grand Opera House, Bloomington, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Grand Opera House, Bluffton, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Main Street looking west, Crawfordsville, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Main Street looking east from south-west corner of Public Square, Delphi, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Main Street looking north, Bucklen Opera House in foreground, Elkhart, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
New Majestic Theatre, Evansville, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Majestic Theatre and Garden, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Calhoun and Main Streets, Fort Wayne, Indiana message
Hoosier Recollections:
Huntington Theatre and Elk's Club, Huntington, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Park Theatre, Indianapolis, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Broadways and Brightways, Indianapolis, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Hotel Edward and majestic Theatre, Indianapolis, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Hotel Washington street scene, Indianapolis, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Lemcke Building and Grand Opera House, Indianapolis, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Tomlinson Hall and Market Place, Indianapolis, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Tomlinson Hall, Indianapolis, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Majestic Theatre and Scottish Rite Building, Indianapolis, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Odd Fellows Hall and Opera House during Great Flood April 1913, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Flooded Broadway Theatre and other businesses, Logansport, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Barnett Hotel and Theatre Nelson, Logansport, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Nelson Theatre, Logansport, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Spencer House, Marion, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Indiana Theatre, Marion, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Third Street looking west, Marion, Indiana section 2
Hoosier Recollections:
The Henry Bert Tailor Shop, Marion, Indiana section 2
Hoosier Recollections:
Grant Opera House, Michigan City, Indiana
Hoosier Recollections:
Murray Theatre, Richmond, Indiana