hoohaaphotos: Checking the lines
hoohaaphotos: Drilling a hole
hoohaaphotos: Fishin'
hoohaaphotos: The group
hoohaaphotos: Checking things out
hoohaaphotos: Nice and easy
hoohaaphotos: Our croquet winner
hoohaaphotos: IMG_0553
hoohaaphotos: IMG_0549
hoohaaphotos: Getting ready
hoohaaphotos: Lining up the shot
hoohaaphotos: IMG_0536
hoohaaphotos: Croquet
hoohaaphotos: Shooting
hoohaaphotos: Looking it over
hoohaaphotos: Prepping for a shot
hoohaaphotos: Pop a shot
hoohaaphotos: Taking a shot
hoohaaphotos: Our host in action
hoohaaphotos: Out on the ice