hoohaaphotos: Long pass
hoohaaphotos: Seeking an open player
hoohaaphotos: Scoop it
hoohaaphotos: Getting free
hoohaaphotos: The shot
hoohaaphotos: Checking
hoohaaphotos: Looking for room
hoohaaphotos: Much-needed equipment
hoohaaphotos: Coach Mokay
hoohaaphotos: IMG_0093With control
hoohaaphotos: Look out!
hoohaaphotos: Chop, chop, chop
hoohaaphotos: Hit the brakes
hoohaaphotos: Passing
hoohaaphotos: On the move
hoohaaphotos: Here comes the pass
hoohaaphotos: Coach Leary
hoohaaphotos: Coach Leary
hoohaaphotos: Coach Leary
hoohaaphotos: Coach Leary
hoohaaphotos: Loose ball
hoohaaphotos: Sending the pass
hoohaaphotos: Keep away
hoohaaphotos: Moving up field
hoohaaphotos: Passing away
hoohaaphotos: Going for the ball
hoohaaphotos: Breaking free
hoohaaphotos: Equipment
hoohaaphotos: Goalie