hoohaaphotos: Letting it go
hoohaaphotos: Bob driving
hoohaaphotos: Getting ready
hoohaaphotos: Putting
hoohaaphotos: Long shot
hoohaaphotos: Driving
hoohaaphotos: A short-range putt
hoohaaphotos: The putt
hoohaaphotos: Setting up
hoohaaphotos: Open shot
hoohaaphotos: Let it go!
hoohaaphotos: To the basket
hoohaaphotos: Here it comes
hoohaaphotos: The drive
hoohaaphotos: Waiting to play
hoohaaphotos: In the basket
hoohaaphotos: Long putt
hoohaaphotos: Letting it fly
hoohaaphotos: On the tee
hoohaaphotos: Putting from low
hoohaaphotos: A putt in the trees
hoohaaphotos: Up and over
hoohaaphotos: From the fairway
hoohaaphotos: Sending the disc flying
hoohaaphotos: Raring up
hoohaaphotos: Driving the disc
hoohaaphotos: Coming at the basket
hoohaaphotos: Short putt
hoohaaphotos: Flipping from the knees