hoohaaphotos: December 24 (358/365)
hoohaaphotos: Stunned Nicole
hoohaaphotos: Nicole and her scarf
hoohaaphotos: Catherine surrounded
hoohaaphotos: Alex digging in
hoohaaphotos: Nicole rocking the hat
hoohaaphotos: Pillow pet for Catherine
hoohaaphotos: All smiles
hoohaaphotos: Christopher and the legos
hoohaaphotos: Emily reading
hoohaaphotos: Dawn and Joe watching on
hoohaaphotos: Jenn checking out Pat's discs
hoohaaphotos: Pat gets discs
hoohaaphotos: Christopher and Emily opening gifts
hoohaaphotos: Pat and Dawn
hoohaaphotos: Warren, Libby and David
hoohaaphotos: David drumming
hoohaaphotos: December 26 (360/365)
hoohaaphotos: Mayla and the Phanatic!
hoohaaphotos: Mayla opening...
hoohaaphotos: Such a big box!
hoohaaphotos: Snap snap!
hoohaaphotos: Opening more!
hoohaaphotos: Devin is wide-eyed!
hoohaaphotos: December 27 (361/365)