hoohaaphotos: June 2 (153/365)
hoohaaphotos: Smack!
hoohaaphotos: Damaschke Field
hoohaaphotos: Taking cuts
hoohaaphotos: Big field
hoohaaphotos: Getting to know one another
hoohaaphotos: Warming up
hoohaaphotos: Warming up
hoohaaphotos: Good swing
hoohaaphotos: Connect
hoohaaphotos: BP pitcher
hoohaaphotos: BP pitcher
hoohaaphotos: Instructions
hoohaaphotos: The pitch
hoohaaphotos: The swing
hoohaaphotos: Thinking
hoohaaphotos: Second
hoohaaphotos: At short
hoohaaphotos: Double play
hoohaaphotos: Here it comes
hoohaaphotos: Painful look
hoohaaphotos: Looking in
hoohaaphotos: Easy out
hoohaaphotos: Hold it
hoohaaphotos: The delivery
hoohaaphotos: Follow through
hoohaaphotos: The pitch
hoohaaphotos: Warming up