hoohaaphotos: Needed items
hoohaaphotos: Gloves
hoohaaphotos: Tools of the trade
hoohaaphotos: The press run
hoohaaphotos: All over
hoohaaphotos: Lots of paper
hoohaaphotos: Preparing
hoohaaphotos: Stopped
hoohaaphotos: High speed
hoohaaphotos: High speed 2
hoohaaphotos: Color plates
hoohaaphotos: In action
hoohaaphotos: And it doesn't rip?
hoohaaphotos: All over
hoohaaphotos: The whole press
hoohaaphotos: In action
hoohaaphotos: Action
hoohaaphotos: The pages
hoohaaphotos: Both sides
hoohaaphotos: The top side
hoohaaphotos: The next step
hoohaaphotos: Mailroom
hoohaaphotos: Here they come...
hoohaaphotos: Making adjustments
hoohaaphotos: Checking things
hoohaaphotos: Making it go
hoohaaphotos: February 9 (40/365)