hoohaaphotos: thursday
hoohaaphotos: schmidt
hoohaaphotos: roxbury
hoohaaphotos: roxburyfriday
hoohaaphotos: roxburysaturday
hoohaaphotos: roxburysunday
hoohaaphotos: roxburymonday
hoohaaphotos: clinic-1
hoohaaphotos: Teaching
hoohaaphotos: After the play
hoohaaphotos: Easy out
hoohaaphotos: Strikeout
hoohaaphotos: On deck
hoohaaphotos: Pitching
hoohaaphotos: Full power
hoohaaphotos: The bender
hoohaaphotos: Release
hoohaaphotos: Doubleday Field
hoohaaphotos: At Damaschke
hoohaaphotos: On the field
hoohaaphotos: Movement
hoohaaphotos: Blurred
hoohaaphotos: America's Pastime
hoohaaphotos: Damaschke Field
hoohaaphotos: IMG_3863
hoohaaphotos: IMG_3840