honor the gift: I'm free! I'm free! My first post-second-transplant-big-trip by myself!
honor the gift: hands of a quiet hero
honor the gift: See, you can see yourself while you take the picture of yourself .. cool huh!
honor the gift: Xenophobia, discrimination, anti-any-group-of-people-ism ...
honor the gift: Giant Box of Awesomeness with classmate
honor the gift: And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin-
honor the gift: no leaning today
honor the gift: Half Tater
honor the gift: Re-ship S-M-R-T ...
honor the gift: raw cheesecake
honor the gift: Beautiful things grow in the most unlikeliest of places ...
honor the gift: You are loved.
honor the gift: everything that rises may converge
honor the gift: Little red roofed house on Albert Street
honor the gift: Poses picked purposely for me Mudder.
honor the gift: BANANAS! Growing in Saskatchewan! :)
honor the gift: Enjoying my 8th Transplantiversary! :)