honor the gift: Just back from some darn fine leaning and longing for the next batch of leaning!
honor the gift: Saskatchewan Humour in downtown Regina
honor the gift: Yer mom!
honor the gift: no leaning today
honor the gift: Music and photography in the park ..
honor the gift: where the band plays on
honor the gift: Good day for practise leaning..
honor the gift: Morning walk in the sun
honor the gift: We've had a wee bit of flooding here.
honor the gift: You know those hood extend things on the end of camera lenses? Yeah, I'm thinking of investing in one! :)
honor the gift: [space holder for SMRT-arse title here]
honor the gift: "I'm going to carpe the shit out of this diem!” - Ian Padgham
honor the gift: My first meeting with the giving tree.
honor the gift: On HotWheelz's birthday .. and a perfectly placed paddler paddling.