honor the gift:
You know those things, those special things in the back of the closet?
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Connection and gardening
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When all else fails, write a gratitude list.
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Re-ship S-M-R-T ...
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Great guerrilla sweetpeas Saskatchewan!
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Breathe, relax, breathe, let it come through.
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Not along for the ride.
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I am afraid of nothing.
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The War Of Art
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If I had a pet I would name it Dreams. I would take very good care of it.
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Notes to myself .. or perhaps they are postcards from the edge?
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Remarkable Russ and Regina's Twin towers
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Good day for practise leaning..
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broadcasting appreciation
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The artwork does not make itself
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Morning walk in the sun
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today ..
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choosing focus
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Thank goodness for friends that spot colourful clouds
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the trick is to keep on breathing and keep putting one foot infront of the other.
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Good (art)work isn't about perfection. It is about communicating effectively. Dang it!
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Why don't you paint flowers? You like flowers.
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Creating life more how I want it (one step at a time).
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I wonder if the times you don't (or can't) connect with all of the people you'd like to .. if you let your heart guide you .. does your care and kindness still get to the right people, somehow?
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Sometimes I take photos like how I golf. One handed, haphazardly. If you are at all competitive you do not want to golf with me.
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It is beginning to see the light of day.
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Bee "realistic"?
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We've had a wee bit of flooding here.