honor the gift: my Lucky Super-Power Empire Building Mug Of Awesomeness mug (and sweet pea)
honor the gift: See, you can see yourself while you take the picture of yourself .. cool huh!
honor the gift: Funny how sometimes you just need to hear some people breathe and it makes it all better .. whatever "it" was.
honor the gift: hands of a quiet hero
honor the gift: Just back from some darn fine leaning and longing for the next batch of leaning!
honor the gift: no leaning today
honor the gift: Good day for practise leaning..
honor the gift: Grandma Wizzy liked to drive 80 MILES/hour on dirt roads to see how high she could get the dirt to raise! :)
honor the gift: On HotWheelz's birthday .. and a perfectly placed paddler paddling.
honor the gift: Enjoying my 8th Transplantiversary! :)