honor the gift: hands of a quiet hero
honor the gift: Pink gerbera daisy for Emilea George
honor the gift: raw cheesecake
honor the gift: Xenophobia, discrimination, anti-any-group-of-people-ism ...
honor the gift: You know those things, those special things in the back of the closet?
honor the gift: This is a photo of a very patient dragonfly!
honor the gift: I swear I looked at the large copper Koi on the peak of the roof too! :)
honor the gift: The artwork does not make itself
honor the gift: my Lucky Super-Power Empire Building Mug Of Awesomeness mug (and sweet pea)
honor the gift: The War Of Art
honor the gift: broadcasting appreciation
honor the gift: You are loved.
honor the gift: If I had a pet I would name it Dreams. I would take very good care of it.
honor the gift: everything that rises may converge
honor the gift: today ..
honor the gift: choosing focus
honor the gift: Why don't you paint flowers? You like flowers.
honor the gift: Sometimes I take photos like how I golf. One handed, haphazardly. If you are at all competitive you do not want to golf with me.
honor the gift: It is beginning to see the light of day.
honor the gift: Bee "realistic"?
honor the gift: Unexpected gifts
honor the gift: Sometimes it only seems broken.
honor the gift: I throw out/destroy most of my artwork .. but some things seem to stick around a bit longer than others.
honor the gift: No need to wait for someone else to make you a magic wand! Make 'em yourself! As many as you think you might need or want! :)
honor the gift: Why would anyone bother with an appreciation list?
honor the gift: Poses picked purposely for me Mudder.
honor the gift: Inspiration for a fun hat from a peony! :)
honor the gift: Among the cranes just before the compost bin.
honor the gift: Shadow spider
honor the gift: Detail in the wings. Those little fluid knobs in particular.