honor the gift: Three goals for today: 1) Breathe in 2) Breathe out 3) I'll get back to you, I am still working on 1 & 2
honor the gift: hands of a quiet hero
honor the gift: Grandma Wizzy liked to drive 80 MILES/hour on dirt roads to see how high she could get the dirt to raise! :)
honor the gift: The shadow that you cast.
honor the gift: ... and she gets the biggest smile! :D
honor the gift: Cheers to sharing mango on the back porch with someone you care about.
honor the gift: Haunting my thoughts again.
honor the gift: All the darkness in the world cannot put out the light of one candle. OR Out of all the darkness comes the most magnificient light.
honor the gift: I'm free! I'm free! My first post-second-transplant-big-trip by myself!
honor the gift: And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom. -Anais Nin-
honor the gift: Xenophobia, discrimination, anti-any-group-of-people-ism ...
honor the gift: My religion is simple.
honor the gift: You know those things, those special things in the back of the closet?
honor the gift: Connection and gardening
honor the gift: When all else fails, write a gratitude list.
honor the gift: Re-ship S-M-R-T ...
honor the gift: Notes to myself .. or perhaps they are postcards from the edge?
honor the gift: Remarkable Russ and Regina's Twin towers
honor the gift: The artwork does not make itself
honor the gift: broadcasting appreciation
honor the gift: Morning walk in the sun
honor the gift: everything that rises may converge
honor the gift: today ..
honor the gift: In memory
honor the gift: choosing focus
honor the gift: Thank goodness for friends that spot colourful clouds
honor the gift: The War Of Art
honor the gift: Good (art)work isn't about perfection. It is about communicating effectively. Dang it!