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Yer mom!
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... and she gets the biggest smile! :D
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Albert Street Bridge Columns
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Music and photography in the park ..
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Just back from some darn fine leaning and longing for the next batch of leaning!
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no leaning today
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This is a photo of a very patient dragonfly!
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Xenophobia, discrimination, anti-any-group-of-people-ism ...
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where the band plays on
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Morning walk in the sun
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is it wrong ....
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Thank goodness for friends that spot colourful clouds
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I Heart Snow
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Bee "realistic"?
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We've had a wee bit of flooding here.
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Floating in formation
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Oot and aboot.
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I bumped up the blue a bit. Now the lichens look red to me.
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You know those hood extend things on the end of camera lenses? Yeah, I'm thinking of investing in one! :)
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I'm not sure why I like it so much yet. It kind of reminds me of a long awaited rain. A happy rain! Or maybe when you have had a fabulous evening out with friends and are just arriving home very late, very happy and thankful?
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Someone has a wonderful sense of humour! :)
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Learning about Saskatchewan birds with Keith from Nature Regina! :) This one is a Red breasted Nuthatch! :)
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Why would anyone bother with an appreciation list?
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[space holder for SMRT-arse title here]
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These three guys had the best, biggest smiles, I swear! :)
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"I'm going to carpe the shit out of this diem!” - Ian Padgham
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Long board skate boarders always have great smiles. In my experience! :)
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My first meeting with the giving tree.
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The early walker photographs the poppies (and other delights)!
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Two and a half poppies.