honor the gift: All the darkness in the world cannot put out the light of one candle. OR Out of all the darkness comes the most magnificient light.
honor the gift: You are loved.
honor the gift: Haunting my thoughts again.
honor the gift: The War Of Art
honor the gift: You know those things, those special things in the back of the closet?
honor the gift: Pink gerbera daisy for Emilea George
honor the gift: Re-ship S-M-R-T ...
honor the gift: my Lucky Super-Power Empire Building Mug Of Awesomeness mug (and sweet pea)
honor the gift: broadcasting appreciation
honor the gift: today ..
honor the gift: everything that rises may converge
honor the gift: The artwork does not make itself
honor the gift: Notes to myself .. or perhaps they are postcards from the edge?
honor the gift: choosing focus
honor the gift: Creating life more how I want it (one step at a time).
honor the gift: Sometimes I take photos like how I golf. One handed, haphazardly. If you are at all competitive you do not want to golf with me.
honor the gift: It is beginning to see the light of day.
honor the gift: It fits great with the decor! Especially my purple hairy vase! :)
honor the gift: B is for Boiled Raisin Cookie and it is delightful enough for me!
honor the gift: I heart gardening.
honor the gift: Well that is just a crock of .. spicy black beans and steamed potato! :)
honor the gift: Delightful surprise! Ohh that is so smart .. why didn't I think of that?! :)
honor the gift: Do you ever look at an everyday thing and think, "This is so beautiful!" as if you are seeing it for the first time?
honor the gift: The pasture is a few miles south.
honor the gift: No need to wait for someone else to make you a magic wand! Make 'em yourself! As many as you think you might need or want! :)
honor the gift: I throw out/destroy most of my artwork .. but some things seem to stick around a bit longer than others.
honor the gift: Only ninja monkeys in this photo! (Seven, I think)
honor the gift: Biggest primroses I had seen!
honor the gift: .. because I like flowers.