Honolulu Transit:
The connecting point for the guideway near the Aloha Stadium station.
Honolulu Transit:
Aloha Stadium station during construction facing makai (ocean).
Honolulu Transit:
The Honolulu rail within walking distance to the Aloha Stadium.
Honolulu Transit:
Aloha Stadium station yard houses construction materials and equipment.
Honolulu Transit:
Hammerheads at Aloha Stadium will connect the guideway with the station construction.
Honolulu Transit:
An aesthetic column at Aloha Stadium Station.
Honolulu Transit:
Art-In-Transit at Aloha Stadium station highlights the Makahiki festival, a time for feasts, competitive games, and hula.
Honolulu Transit:
Aesthetic column at Aloha Stadium station showing ho’okupu (gifts) presented to the ali’I (royalty).
Honolulu Transit:
An aesthetic column depicts ‘uala (breadfruit) and kalo (taro).
Honolulu Transit:
Aesthetic columns at the Aloha Stadium station.
Honolulu Transit:
Construction at Aloha Stadium station is soon to commence.
Honolulu Transit:
Aloha Stadium station during guideway construction.
Honolulu Transit:
Aerial view of the Aloha Stadium station during construction.
Honolulu Transit:
Aerial view of the guideway past Aloha Stadium.
Honolulu Transit:
Hammerheads above the column will tie in the station with the guideway.
Honolulu Transit:
Crews prepare for a cement pour at Aloha Stadium station.
Honolulu Transit:
Guideway construction heads towards Kamehameha Highway near Aloha Stadium.
Honolulu Transit:
Completed guideway along Kamehameha Highway near the Aiea Bay State Recreation Area.
Honolulu Transit:
Guideway construction along Aiea Access Road near the Aloha Stadium.
Honolulu Transit:
Last stages of guideway construction near Aloha Stadium.
Honolulu Transit:
A hula dancer amongst the aesthetic depictions on the Aloha Stadium station columns.
Honolulu Transit:
A hula dancer amongst the aesthetic depictions on the Aloha Stadium station columns.
Honolulu Transit:
Guideway at Aloha Stadium station.
Honolulu Transit:
Hammerheads at the Aloha Stadium station area.
Honolulu Transit:
Aesthetic columns at the Aloha Stadium station.
Honolulu Transit:
Guideway along Kamehameha Highway near Kohumua Street.
Honolulu Transit:
Track is laid on a portion of the Aloha Stadium station.
Honolulu Transit:
The underslung truss is removed from the guideway.
Honolulu Transit:
The crane at Aloha Stadium finishes erecting the last segments of the first 10 miles into place.
Honolulu Transit:
Guideway construction nears the Aloha Stadium station area.