Honolulu Transit:
Aerial view of the Waipahu station facing makai (ocean).
Honolulu Transit:
Aerial view of Waipahu station during construction facing west.
Honolulu Transit:
Aerial view of Waipahu station facing mauka (mountain).
Honolulu Transit:
Structural supports at the Waipahu station for concrete forms.
Honolulu Transit:
Crews prepare for station concrete pour at the Waipahu station.
Honolulu Transit:
Waipahu station aerial view while crews make concrete forms on the hammerheads.
Honolulu Transit:
Steel supports at the Waipahu station for station concrete forms.
Honolulu Transit:
Concrete pour at the Waipahu station.
Honolulu Transit:
Honolulu rail guideway along Farrington Highway in Waipahu.
Honolulu Transit:
Aerial photo of construction at the Waipahu station.
Honolulu Transit:
Column construction on the makai (ocean) side of the Waipahu station.
Honolulu Transit:
Plywood protects the aesthetic columns while overhead construction begins.
Honolulu Transit:
A pedestrian walks past construction for the Waipahu station.
Honolulu Transit:
Best Management Practice silt fences are set up for the Waiphu station area.
Honolulu Transit:
Waipahu station awaits mobilization of construction crews.
Honolulu Transit:
Construction crews begin placing rebar for column construction on the mauka (mountain) side for the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Waipahu Station hammerheads sit atop the aesthetic columns.
Honolulu Transit:
Groundwork begins at the Waipahu Transit station.
Honolulu Transit:
Guidway through Waipahu facing East.
Honolulu Transit:
Waipahu station hammerheads and aesthetic columns near Mokuola street.
Honolulu Transit:
Ground work begins on the Waipahu station areas.
Honolulu Transit:
New asphalt is laid down along Farrington Highway near Waipahu Depot Road.
Honolulu Transit:
Hammerheads are ready for the Waipahu Transit Station construction.
Honolulu Transit:
New center medians and freshly paved roads parallel the guideway in Waipahu.
Honolulu Transit:
Newly paved roads along Farrington Highway near Waipahu High School are completed.
Honolulu Transit:
Completed guideway segments near Waipahu High School.
Honolulu Transit:
Aesthetic columns denote where the stations will be in each area along the guideway.
Honolulu Transit:
Hammerheads being constructed allow the stations to tie into the guideway.
Honolulu Transit:
Hammerheads at the Waipahu Transit Center Station are constructed.
Honolulu Transit:
Heading east towards the Waipahu Transit Center Station, guideway construction continues.