Honolulu Transit:
West Loch station aerial view.
Honolulu Transit:
Guideway construction near the West Loch station facing east.
Honolulu Transit:
Construction at the West Loch station facing makai (ocean).
Honolulu Transit:
Aerial view of the makai (ocean) side of the West Loch station during construction.
Honolulu Transit:
Aerial view of the mauka (mountain) side of the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Crews at West Loch station build the pedestrian stairs on the mauka (mountain) side of the station.
Honolulu Transit:
Assembly of the second part of the pedestrian bridge at the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Erection of the first part of the pedestrian bridge at the West Loch station is complete.
Honolulu Transit:
Construction of the pedestrian stairway on the makai (ocean) side of the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Steel structural support for concrete forms at the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Aerial view of construction facing makai (ocean) at the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
West Loch station construction aerial view.
Honolulu Transit:
Crews continue to build the pedestrian stairs on the makai (ocean) side of the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Concrete forms at the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Concrete columns for the pedestrian bridge are complete .
Honolulu Transit:
Crews prepare the pedestrian bridge on the mauka (mountain) side at the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Aerial view of West Loch station during construction facing west.
Honolulu Transit:
West Loch station construction along Farrington Highway.
Honolulu Transit:
Crews work on concrete columns for the pedestrian bridge at the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Concrete forms sit on the hammerheads on the mauka (mountain) side of the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Concrete forms on the hammerheads at the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Iron work under the guideway for station construction at the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Ground work on the mauka side of the guideway.
Honolulu Transit:
Foundation work continues at the West Loch station
Honolulu Transit:
Aerial view of the West Loch station area.
Honolulu Transit:
Crews continue foundation work on the mauka side of the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Ten miles of guideway construction is nearly complete from East Kapolei to Aloha Stadium.
Honolulu Transit:
Crews continue foundation work at the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Aerial view of construction work at the West Loch station.
Honolulu Transit:
Construction crews continue ground work on the makai (ocean) side for the West Loch station.