Honolulu Transit: Aerial view of the guideway from Leeward Community College over the H1/H2 freeway to the Pearl Highlands station
Honolulu Transit: Rail switch track is constructed on the guideway H1/H2 overpass near Leeward Community College.
Honolulu Transit: Aerial photo of the guideway through Pearl City, the Leeward Community College station, and the Rail Operations Center.
Honolulu Transit: A switch track is constructed on the guideway overpass near Leeward Community College.
Honolulu Transit: Additional segments near joining for the Balanced Cantilever Guideway Construction over the H1H2 overpass.
Honolulu Transit: Sound barrier walls begin to be constructed on the guideway over the H1/H2 overpass.
Honolulu Transit: Aerial photo of guideway construction traversing over the H1/H2 overpass from Leeward Community College and down along Kamehameha Highway.
Honolulu Transit: An aerial view facing East of the balanced cantilevered guideway work over the H1/H2 overpass.
Honolulu Transit: An aerial view facing North of the balanced cantilevered guideway work over the H1/H2 overpass.
Honolulu Transit: Another portion of the Balanced Cantilevered Guideway Construction at the H1/H2 overpass is close to being joined.
Honolulu Transit: A joining portion of the Balanced Cantilevered Guideway Construction over Farrington Highway is complete.
Honolulu Transit: Balanced Cantilever guideway construction continues over Farrington Highway towards Pearl City.
Honolulu Transit: Significant progress of guideway construction extends from Leeward Community College to Pearl Highlands.
Honolulu Transit: Guideway spans are connected for the Balanced Cantilever over the Farrington Highway overpass.
Honolulu Transit: The Balanced Cantilevered guideway construction extends over H1/H2 Freeway, Kamehameha and Farrington Highways.
Honolulu Transit: Three guideway spans of the Balanced Cantilever are soon to be joined.
Honolulu Transit: Facing East, the Pearl Highlands Station and the Balanced Cantilever guideway construction.
Honolulu Transit: An aerial view of the Balanced Cantilevered guideway construction over the H1/H2 Highway.
Honolulu Transit: Individual sections of the Balanced Cantilevered guideway construction near Pearl Highlands.
Honolulu Transit: Balanced Cantilevered guideway spans are cast in place near the Pearl Highlands Station.
Honolulu Transit: Two ends of the Balanced Cantilevered Guideway are suspended over Farrington Highway.
Honolulu Transit: Balanced Cantilevered work continues to make progress over the H1/H2 freeway.
Honolulu Transit: Balanced Cantilevered guideway construction near the Pearl Highlands Station.
Honolulu Transit: The East-bound side of the balanced cantilever is complete, connecting the two piers near the H1/H2 overpass.
Honolulu Transit: Concrete forms are for the closure pour of the balanced cantilever near LCC.
Honolulu Transit: The lower part of the middle traveler is removed at the balanced cantilever.
Honolulu Transit: Cast-in-place segments of the balanced cantilever are close to connecting near the H1/H2 overpass.
Honolulu Transit: A third pier table begins to form along Farrington Highway for the balanced cantilever work.
Honolulu Transit: The traveler and forms on top of the balanced cantilever allows for segments to be cast in place.
Honolulu Transit: The balanced cantilever guideway construction spans the highway near the H1/H2 overpass.