Guy: Jussum Guy: Mother and daughter at the beach near Santa Monica
Guy: Jussum Guy: Something to do with the Governator, I think
Guy: Jussum Guy: Me? I'm an Estuarian.
Guy: Jussum Guy: Watching the detectives
Guy: Jussum Guy: Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion
Guy: Jussum Guy: Bird with freakishly long beak
Guy: Jussum Guy: Form a single line
Guy: Jussum Guy: The private eye
Guy: Jussum Guy: We know the feeling
Guy: Jussum Guy: The beach looking beautiful
Guy: Jussum Guy: Vertically integrated gulls
Guy: Jussum Guy: The artist's spiritual mentor
Guy: Jussum Guy: The gull can't help it
Guy: Jussum Guy: The beach stole my camera
Guy: Jussum Guy: It is in man's nature to challenge the elements
Guy: Jussum Guy: Low tide by the pier again
Guy: Jussum Guy: Low tide by the pier
Guy: Jussum Guy: Beachside unicyclists
Guy: Jussum Guy: More gulls and surf and pennisula
Guy: Jussum Guy: Pelicans on parade
Guy: Jussum Guy: It's (not exactly) an estuary!
Guy: Jussum Guy: Sorting out for the ark?
Guy: Jussum Guy: Gulled again
Guy: Jussum Guy: The name's Fresco: Al Fresco
Guy: Jussum Guy: The name's Fresco: Al Fresco
Guy: Jussum Guy: The name's Fresco: Al Fresco
Guy: Jussum Guy: They're up to something
Guy: Jussum Guy: Not at all doomed
Guy: Jussum Guy: Seafaring crows near Venice Beach