honig: Don't mess with this little tough-y.
honig: Bet you smiled just looking at his smile :D
honig: Cutest little Tae Kwan Do-er ever.
honig: At the Dojo.
honig: Stairway to Hamilton
honig: Stairway to Hamilton
honig: Stairway to Hamilton
honig: Pretty staircase
honig: Lurking
honig: Benched
honig: Shocked
honig: Surgical patient number 12
honig: Waiting to be called for surgery
honig: Thumbs down?
honig: Thumbs up for the last day of school!
honig: Last day of school!
honig: Love the squishy face.
honig: Last day of school
honig: Squinty smiles
honig: My boys.
honig: Working hard.
honig: Dreamy
honig: Paul Robinson & Ian Mackay, of The Diodes
honig: The Diodes
honig: Paul Robinson of The Diodes
honig: Paul Robinson, aka Mr.Yummy!
honig: John Catto of The Diodes
honig: Paul Robinson & John Hamilton, of The Diodes
honig: Paul Robinson of The Diodes
honig: Paul Robinson of The Diodes