honig: Wee Man :)
honig: Contemplating running in the water.
honig: Looks like it's raining clouds. ♥
honig: Pretty shadow.
honig: Chillin'.
honig: Cutie pie. Odd angle though; he looks a bit bobblehead-y.
honig: I love this picture.
honig: Pretty.
honig: DSC01049
honig: DSC01050
honig: Enjoying throwing rocks into the water.
honig: Whammo!
honig: Whoosh!
honig: Finger!
honig: Trying to write his name on the good luck rock. Thanks Tanya for such a sweet idea.
honig: What a handsome devil. I ♥ Callum.
honig: Good luck rock. Amazing find, really.
honig: More blue sky, white fluffy cloud, wire action. LOVE.
honig: Mmm... more blue sky, fluffy clouds & wirey goodness.
honig: Love.
honig: Mmm, smoggy.
honig: Love.
honig: We went to the moon the other day. No really.
honig: I love this shot. No touch ups (on any of my pictures really), just natural beauty.
honig: Action shot.
honig: Action shot.
honig: Another action shot!
honig: Plop!
honig: Sploosh!
honig: He's like that gorilla that used a stick to measure depth of a body of water. Ha ha!