honig: Clutching his subway transfer.
honig: So cute!
honig: Poor soul.
honig: Look at the size of that head!
honig: Having a bagel at Tim Horton's in Oakville.
honig: So happy about the bagel!
honig: Oh to be able to sleep like that again...
honig: Soul patch.
honig: Helping the mechanics at the 'car doctor'.
honig: Looking at a bird.
honig: Ack! He is too cute.
honig: Trrrraaaiiinnnn!
honig: Can you guess which subway station we're at?!
honig: Happy subway rider!
honig: Ohhhh!
honig: Subway!
honig: Getting excited about the visit with 'the cousins'.
honig: On the way home from Uncle David & Auntie Jennifer's house.
honig: Handsome Devil.
honig: Enough pictures Mummy.
honig: Oh to have skin so beautiful...
honig: Avec backpack.
honig: Waiting for the elevator with his back against the wall. This was a rule he created for himself!
honig: I see Iggle Piggle...
honig: My new car!
honig: Me, in my new car!
honig: Rooting through Mummy's purse again, aka treasure trove.
honig: Self portrait.
honig: Picture of me taken by Callum.
honig: Another self portrait.