honig: Not feeling well on the airplane.
honig: Our little traveler pulling his own suitcase!
honig: Arriving at Toronto Pearson Airport.
honig: El conko.
honig: Another view from our apartment.
honig: View from our apartment - if you look hard you can see the CN Tower.
honig: View from our balcony.
honig: Yumming up local strawberries.
honig: Barefoot in the park.
honig: Beautiful and scrummy strawberries!
honig: Mummy & Callum, aka strawberry face.
honig: Happy in the park on our first day in Toronto.
honig: First of many subway rides.
honig: Our subway station.
honig: Gorgeous one.
honig: Feet!
honig: Looking on at Callum running to the park.
honig: Happy & busy boy!
honig: Waiting for the water to shoot up so he can run screaming!
honig: The other kid looks sweet, but I'm pretty sure we should've had him scanned for 666.
honig: Wonder what they were talking about?
honig: So... how's it going?
honig: Splash pad.
honig: Glowing ears!
honig: Back lit splash.
honig: Results of a very quick wind storm!
honig: Results of a very quick wind storm!
honig: If only my legs were so skinny... oh sweet shadow, you have lovely legs!
honig: Daddy trying to encourage a pose out of Callum - no such luck!
honig: Still running, even after a long play at the park.