honig: Checking out the tarmac scene.
honig: Callum.
honig: You're welcome.
honig: New pose over the last couple of months.
honig: Yay airplane!
honig: Cutie von Zutie.
honig: Photo taken by Callum.
honig: Pushing the climbing limits.
honig: Ready?
honig: Wheee!
honig: The best climber ever!
honig: Swing!
honig: 'bout the only time I get in a picture!
honig: Always checking out the build.
honig: Contemplation.
honig: Daddy tackling Callum for a picture!
honig: Grandma, Callum & Great Aunt Judy.
honig: Cheese.
honig: Grandma and Callum
honig: Callum and Grandma.
honig: Michael and Aunt Linda.
honig: Getting another tickle!
honig: (My) Grandma, Callum's Great-Grandma.
honig: Aunt Judy!
honig: Brothers.
honig: I go sweep!
honig: Mom and Dad.
honig: Quite cozy in his stroller.
honig: Primordial ooze anyone?
honig: Still Ontario, I swear.