honig: Layer one of the cake.
honig: Pilfering fruit meant for the cake.
honig: Happy 2nd birthday Callum!
honig: Happy 2nd birthday Callum!
honig: Yaay!
honig: Thomas book!
honig: Still talking politics...
honig: Grandpa McKinnon in da house.
honig: Camera curiosity.
honig: Mummy & Callum.
honig: Happy guys.
honig: Glimpse into the future?
honig: Grandma trying to convince Callum it's fun to open prezzies.
honig: Babe in arms.
honig: Picking out the fruit from his birthday cake; he didn't even consider eating anything other than the fruit - haha!
honig: Crazed hair!
honig: Watching his BFF Thomas the Tank Engine. Note: they must be told by Ringo Starr!
honig: Cheese!
honig: Callum loving his new chair.
honig: The guys.
honig: Yaaaaayyy!
honig: Okey dokey!
honig: Woof!
honig: Graham and Callum arriving at Maplewood farms.
honig: Scary rooster.
honig: Belgian draft horse.
honig: Eww.
honig: I loved this goat.
honig: Eww.
honig: Ruby lips.