honig: Mmmm, veggie dog!
honig: Decided veggie dogs are better than time out...wise decision.
honig: Thinking about tossing the bowl...time out pending...
honig: Now really busy!
honig: Getting busy.
honig: Forlorn?
honig: Looking for help.
honig: Looking a bit fed up with the photies!
honig: Adaptable wee guy; using the moving box as a reading & toy station.
honig: Yay!
honig: Smiler :)
honig: Funny Mummy!
honig: Sweet face.
honig: Cutie von Zutie!
honig: You did it, didn't you food?
honig: Shudder...
honig: What happened to my hand?!
honig: More messy face!
honig: Messy face!
honig: I got a toothache just looking at that sweet face!
honig: Classic Callum face.
honig: Gentleman's Quarterly, here comes Callum!
honig: Pulling his wee car around.
honig: Hey!
honig: Explaining the theory of relativity to Mummy.
honig: You are healed!
honig: Funny Mummy!
honig: Funny Mummy!
honig: Praying for a camera-free moment...
honig: Using props for smiles...