hone: fusilli with tomato and basil
hone: red wine shallot sauce
hone: T-bone steak with cheese risotto
hone: farfalle with tomato & roasted red pepper sauce
hone: confit byaldi
hone: plated confit byaldi
hone: pasta with garlic oil and leftover veggies
hone: blueberry banana pancake
hone: 燒賣(Shu Mai)
hone: DSCF0275
hone: DSCF8609
hone: DSCF8608
hone: DSCF0336
hone: DSCF8754
hone: DSCF7461
hone: DSCF7454
hone: DSCF7455
hone: DSCF7457
hone: DSCF7460
hone: DSCF1089