Hone Morihana: Western Treatment Plant
Hone Morihana: Western Treatment Plant
Hone Morihana: Western Treatment Plant
Hone Morihana: Western Treatment Plant
Hone Morihana: Western Treatment Plant
Hone Morihana: The You Yangs
Hone Morihana: Sharp-tailed sandpiper
Hone Morihana: Sharp-tailed sandpipers and concentric circles
Hone Morihana: White heron
Hone Morihana: Pelicans, white ibis, black swans
Hone Morihana: Pelicans, white ibis, black swans
Hone Morihana: Pink-eared ducks
Hone Morihana: Pink-eared ducks and teals
Hone Morihana: Red-necked stints mostly
Hone Morihana: Red-kneed dotterels
Hone Morihana: Brown falcon
Hone Morihana: Brown falcon
Hone Morihana: Pectoral sandpiper
Hone Morihana: Australian hobby
Hone Morihana: The You Yangs
Hone Morihana: Red-kneed dotterel with sharp-tailed sandpipers
Hone Morihana: Red-necked stints on rocks
Hone Morihana: Red-necked stints
Hone Morihana: Brown falcon
Hone Morihana: Straw-necked ibis
Hone Morihana: Red-kneed dotterel
Hone Morihana: Great egret landing
Hone Morihana: Great egret
Hone Morihana: Great crested grebe
Hone Morihana: White ibis