guillermogg: DSCN2654
guillermogg: DSCN2651
guillermogg: DSCN2650
guillermogg: The Church of Tecpán, Guatemala
guillermogg: Justine in the Cathedral of Tecpán, Guatemala
guillermogg: DSCN1516
guillermogg: DSCN1510
guillermogg: DSCN1489
guillermogg: DSCN06050267
guillermogg: Chapel Hill
guillermogg: DSCN05880252
guillermogg: DSCN05690233
guillermogg: DSCN05510215
guillermogg: White House
guillermogg: White House
guillermogg: Hyatt Hotel - Washington DC
guillermogg: Quote at the Department of Commerce
guillermogg: Quote at the Department of Commerce
guillermogg: Quote at the Department of Commerce
guillermogg: Washington Monument
guillermogg: Federal Triangle: Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium
guillermogg: Federal Triangle: Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium
guillermogg: Federal Triangle: Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium
guillermogg: Washington DC
guillermogg: Archive of the United States of America
guillermogg: archives of the united states of america
guillermogg: Washington DC
guillermogg: Washington DC
guillermogg: archives of the united states of america