homo_sapiens: Blackberries not yet ripe
homo_sapiens: Gladioluses in the early morning Sun
homo_sapiens: Hornet (??)
homo_sapiens: Nice looking bug
homo_sapiens: Grasshopper
homo_sapiens: Excellent camouflage
homo_sapiens: Potato Beetle
homo_sapiens: Potato beetle
homo_sapiens: Libelle
homo_sapiens: Libelle
homo_sapiens: Apple blossom
homo_sapiens: Cherry blossoms
homo_sapiens: Apple blossom
homo_sapiens: Apple blossom with insect II
homo_sapiens: Yet another bug...
homo_sapiens: Rhubarb Jungle
homo_sapiens: Grubs of the potato-beetle
homo_sapiens: Two Raspberries
homo_sapiens: Last raspberry 2008
homo_sapiens: Admiral (Vanessa atalanta)
homo_sapiens: Heuschrecke XXL
homo_sapiens: Kirschblüten
homo_sapiens: Die blaue(n) Blume(n)
homo_sapiens: Osterglocken / Daffodils
homo_sapiens: Leckere Kirschen
homo_sapiens: Lilien
homo_sapiens: Bird Scarer / Vogelscheuche
homo_sapiens: Ob das hilft?
homo_sapiens: Noch ein Distelfalter...
homo_sapiens: Ochsenauge